April 2008, Volume 7

Hello Friends,

Hunter has been in the news lately for her teaching at the Presidio School of Management and her relentless efforts to implement sustainability.

Hunter was quoted as the "green business icon" in the April 5 issue of Newsweek about the emerging "Green MBA" and the major influence that Natural Capitalism has had on the boom in this kind of learning. Click on the link below to read the article:

She was also featured in an interview with Amy Westervelt in the March issue of "Sustainable Industries." Check out her comments on greenwashing, the language of stability and the integrated bottom line:

It's exciting to have a great buzz surrounding the outreach and education we do at NCS. It's a crucial part of our mission.

As I write, Hunter is beating her way home from a winter of travel from Europe to Asia. We hope to keep her here in Colorado for at least a few weeks to finish another six articles she has in the pipeline, including submissions for the Encyclopedia of Sustainability and a forward for Bob Doppelt's new book. Hunter and I are also co-authoring an article on sustainability as the strategy to achieve competitive advantage in a stable economy, a turn-around strategy for a down economy and the survival strategy in a collapse.  We'll get this article out to you just as soon as it emerges from our keyboards.

Your support has been key in making all we do possible.

With thanks from all of us at NCS,

Jeff Hohensee
C.E.O. & Natural Change Project Director